2014年1月21日 星期二


(附註:由於尚未獲得 ABC 授權,因此點選上圖將指向原連結新聞影片影片:NSW chicken contractor underpaid its workers)

記者:Jason Om    者:郭耀智   校稿:Sherry Huang、Meihan Hsing
夜線新聞揭露,澳洲第一大雞肉供應商 Baiada 所委託的人力派遣公司,未依法支付薪資給外籍勞工。位於 Newcastle 附近的 Baiada 雞肉處理工廠,遭離職與現職員工投訴,派遣公司僅給付法令規定一半以下的時薪。有時,工作時數長達 16 小時以上。投訴員工皆來自 Pham Poultry 人力派遣公司。Baiada 重申遵守工作場所的相關法令,也有定期檢查委託的人力派遣公司,如 Pham Poultry

Jason Om的獨家報導

為了應付澳洲民眾消費雞肉的需求,位於 Beresfield 的 Baiada 雞肉處理廠日以繼夜地趕工,以製造旗下國內兩大暢銷的雞肉產品 Steggles 與 Lily dale歸功於辛勤的員工,Baiada 在澳洲擁有超過 13 億澳元的產值。但對於短期的外籍勞工來說,他們並未蒙受其利。夜線新聞揭露 Baiada 旗下的人力派遣公司 Pham Poultry,未依法支付薪資。
來自中國南方的 Steve 與 Kelly,到澳洲打工度假。兩人在 Baiada 雞工廠的低溫環境下,包裝全雞或分裝雞肉。由於害怕遭到報復,他們不願意在媒體前曝光。
Steve (離職員工):起初我以為這並不難,但幾天過後,連續的超時工作,每日 16 小時以上,「我的天啊」,這真是恐怖,我累壞了,卻沒辦法停止工作。
Jason Om: 在工作了 16 小時之後,你的感覺是?
Steve~~ 我就 我感覺魂都要飛了,腦袋一片空白。
Pham Poultry 負責派遣,與兩人連絡的是 Tina,如同這張 Baiada 安全證上面所顯示。
法律明文規定勞工享有基本薪資,雇主亦須提供薪資單。這個案件的臨時工,法定時薪為澳幣 20 元左右。
Jason OmSteve 與 Kelly 從台灣網站與朋友,獲知此份工作訊息。
Steve 與 Kelly 表示,他們根本不知道所謂的法定薪資,其他人與他們一樣,男生時薪澳幣 12.50 元,女生澳幣 11.50 元,他們每週要工作六天。
Kelly (離職員工) 是的,正是。女生的時薪都是一樣的。
他們只知道,薪資是由一個名叫「叔叔 (Uncle )」的人支付。夜線尚無法確認這個人的身份。
Steve 是的,一個白色信封袋
Steve 沒有。
Kelly希望能拿回工作 11 週積欠的薪水,約澳幣 $7,000 元。
Jason: Steve 和 Kelly 表示,Pham Poultry 提供宿舍,他倆分住在不同棟屋子。每一棟房屋,容納近 30 個人。
Jason:一星期 100 元嗎?
Steve:是的,一星期 100 元。
Jason:你認為它值 100 元嗎?
Jason粗估這棟房子每週的租金收入是 3000 澳元。
Steve 以及 Kelly 提供了這些照片,每棟屋子被改建為宿舍,與一間臨時湊合著用的廚房
JasonKelly 的房間有 張上下鋪的床板。
Kelly:我跟 12 個女生同住。
Jason12 個女生同住?
夜線新聞在宿舍外面發現,外人勿進的警語。Steve 和 Kelly 提供的照片,寫著:如果你看到澳洲人,把大門關上並報警。
另一個英文警語 (手寫:看到任何澳洲人,立即撥打警方專線 000 )
你知道哪裡可以找到,「叔叔 (Uncle)」這個人嗎?
JasonPham Poultry 的一位重要人物,名叫 Tina Wang (or Weng),照片中的她正在 Baiada 員工餐廳慶祝生日。
2010 年,她在台灣的背包客棧,刊登 Newcastle 雞肉處理工廠的職缺,並留下手機與聯絡姓名。
一位網友稱:「我昨天打電話給 Tina,她告訴我時薪是 11 元,一週工作 天,非法工作者」
一位來自台灣的受訪者說,他最近才到 Beresfield,近期會進入雞肉廠上班,他的時薪是澳幣 12.50。當我告訴他,應得的薪水遠高於這個薪資,他蠻驚訝的。
Tina Wang 跟我們確認,她是 Pham Poultry 的員工,也負責通知工人上班時間。她的老闆名叫 Binh Hai Nguyen,今年 34 歲,來自於雪梨的Fairfield West
Binh Hai Nguyen我沒有空,不好意思。
Jason:他是 Pham Poultry 的負責人,他否認積欠員工薪水或超時工作。
Nguyen 先生,我們想跟你聊一下,我們想要了解
Binh Hai Nguye (字幕):你該知道的,你只是在浪費時間。
JasonBihn Hai Nguyen 一開始否認他是負責人。但是,在廠方證實接受他派遣 20 名的員工到廠之後,他轉而聲稱,旗下的員工都有拿到法定薪資。
2013 年五月,肉廠工人工會向 Baiada 投訴人力派遣公司 Pham Poultry 的不法行徑,卻只獲得來自 Binh Nguyen 的澄清,他堅稱(Pham Poultry) 名下的員工都支領合法的薪水。
肉廠工人工會的 Grant Courtney 表示:目前所搜集的資訊顯示,這家仲介涉及相當嚴重的指控,包括低薪,跨國勞工的剝削、惡劣的住宿環境,威脅勞工安全的超時工作等勞資爭議。
Jason:位於 Beresfield 的雞肉工廠,約有 700 多位員工加入工會,其中約有 300 人為臨時的外籍勞工。
Grant Courtney:很明顯地,這不是澳洲人做的,也不是澳洲人的做事風格。你知道的,辛勞工作一天,就應得一日公平的薪水。
JasonGrant Courtney 要求 Baiada 雞肉工廠立即終止與 Pham Poultry 的派遣合約。
Baiada 就這些指控,再次聲明他的承包商必須遵守法令。他們會像過去一樣進行例行檢查,包括,持續對仲介加強守法觀念。
2010 年,公平工作專署調查 Baiada 的 Beresfield 廠,發現 18 名受雇於人力派遣公司Gerneral Services Company 的中國人未領取法定薪資。公平工作專屬為他們爭取回澳幣 5000 元的欠薪。
Baiada 的管理部負責人 Simon Camilleri 拒絕受訪。
歡迎加入Facebook 台灣打工度假青年澳洲版,獲得工作有關的法律新知。
A Lateline investigation has exposed the illegal underpayment of foreign labour by a contractor at one of Australia's biggest chicken producers.
Past and present employees at the Baiada processing plant near Newcastle say they've been paid half the legal minimum and sometimes worked up to 16 hours a day.
The workers concerned the supplied to Baiada by a labour hire company called Pham Poultry.
Baiada maintains it complies with workplace laws and carries out checks to ensure its contractors, such as Pham Poultry, do the same.
Jason Om has this exclusive report.
JASON OM, REPORTER: The Baiada plant at Beresfield runs day and night to feed Australia's voracious appetite for Steggles and Lilydale chicken.
Nationwide, Baiada turns over $1.3 billion, thanks to its hardworking employees.
But for some of its temporary foreign workforce, life is very different.
Lateline can reveal the illegal wages paid by Pham Poultry to workers it then supplies to Baiada.
"Steve" and "Kelly" came to Australia from Southern China on working holiday visas. They decided to accept work at Baiada packaging whole raw chickens and stacking trays in a chilled environment. They want their identities protected because they fear a backlash.
"STEVE", FORMER WORKER: First time I think I can handle it. But after a few days, we need overtime to work, just like 16 hours and then I feel, "Oh, my God," it's just like horrible and I feel tired, but I can't stop.
JASON OM: How did you feel after those 16 hours?
"STEVE": Ahh, I just - my spirit just, like, getting out and can't think anything.
JASON OM: "Steve" and "Kelly" heard about the jobs through this Taiwanese website and through friends.
Pham Poultry organised their work at the factory and their contact was Tina, seen on this Baiada security pass.
The law says employers must pay the minimum award rate and provide pay slips. In this case, the minimum rate for casuals is around $20 an hour.
"Steve" and "Kelly" say that didn't happen and they and other workers were paid a flat rate of $12.50 an hour for men, $11.50 for women.
They say they worked six days a week.
Did all of the women get less than the men?
"KELLY", FORMER WORKER: Yeah, sure. All the woman is the same price, same salary for the hour.
JASON OM: Did you think that was fair?
"KELLY": No.  doesn’t fair. because we work at the same time, why we have different price, the salary?
JASON OM: They say they were paid by a man only known by the name of "Uncle". Lateline has been unable to establish his identity.
So you were given an envelope and it had the cash inside?
"STEVE": Yeah, just a white envelope.
JASON OM: No pay slips?
"STEVE": No pay slip.
JASON OM: "Kelly" wants her back pay and is potentially owed $7,000 for 11 weeks' work.
"KELLY": If I can get back the extra money, I want to have, because this is my pay.
JASON OM: "Steve" and "Kelly" say Pham Poultry provided the accommodation and they stayed in two different houses. Each house would take up to 30 workers.
How much rent did you have to pay?
"STEVE": Hundred.
JASON OM: $100 a week?
"STEVE": Yeah. $100 a week.
JASON OM: Did you think it was worth $100 a week?
"STEVE": Of course no!
JASON OM: Potentially, that's $3,000 a week in rent for one house.
"Steve" and "Kelly" provided these photos showing rooms converted into dormitories and a makeshift kitchen.
"KELLY": This is very dirty in the house. You have got a mice, ants.
JASON OM: Mice and ants?
"KELLY": Yeah.
JASON OM: "Kelly" stayed in this room, which had six bunk beds.
"KELLY": I stay with 12 girls in the same room.
JASON OM: 12 girls in the same room?
"KELLY": Yep.
JASON OM: When Lateline came calling we found this message telling outsiders to stay away.
"Steve" and "Kelly" provided this photo showing a warning in Mandarin that says, "If you see any Australians, shut the front door and call the police."
And here's another one in English. (Handwritten sign reads: "People see Aussie man. Call police. 000")
At one of the houses, the workers were tight-lipped.
Do you know where "Uncle" might be?
WORKER: Sorry, don't know.
JASON OM: A key organiser for Pham Poultry is Tina Wang, seen here celebrating her birthday in the Baiada cafeteria.
Her name and mobile number is shown in this message on a backpackers' jobs website dated 2010. It's offering jobs at a chicken factory in Newcastle.
One user replies, "I called yesterday and the hourly rate is $11, five days a week, illegal workers. I got the information from my phone conversation with Tina."
Lateline has spoken to a number of current workers.
The young man I just spoke to said he was from Taiwan, that he had just arrived in Beresfield to work at the chicken factory and that he was offered $12.50 per hour. When I told him that the award wage was much more than that, he was quite surprised.
Tina Wang has confirmed she works for Pham Poultry and tells the Baiada workers their start times at the factory.
Ms Wang says her boss is this man: 34-year-old Binh Hai Nguyen from Fairfield West in Sydney.
When will the workers get their money back? When will the workers get their money back?
BINH HAI NGUYEN, DIRECTOR, PHAM POULTRY (subtitles): I don't have time for you, sorry.
JASON OM: He's listed as the director of Pham Poultry and he's described the workers' claims of cut price wages and excessive hours as "bulls**t".
Mr Nguyen, we'd like to talk to you. We want to know ...
BINH HAI NGUYEN (Subtitles): You waste your time, you know.
JASON OM: At first, Binh Nguyen denied he was a director, but when pressed said he did employ what he calls 20 "direct employees". He maintains those workers are all on the award rate.
In May, the meatworkers' union complained to Baiada about Pham Poultry and later received this response from Binh Nguyen that declared his direct employees have been paid correctly.
GRANT COURTNEY, MEAT INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES UNION: The information that we've collected so far is there's fairly gross allegations in relation to underpayment of wages, exploitation of international workers, poor lodgings of workers and generally working unsafe working hours.
JASON OM: The union represents 700 people at the Beresfield factory and it estimates there are 300 temporary overseas workers.
GRANT COURTNEY: Well clearly, it's not Australian. That's not the Australian way of doing things. You know, like, you get a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.
JASON OM: Grant Courtney now wants Baiada to scrap arrangements with Pham Poultry.
Baiada responded to the allegations, saying its contractors must comply with workplace laws. It says it reinforces these obligations with labour suppliers and will continue with checks, as it has done so in the past.
In 2010, the Fair work Ombudsman investigated Baiada Beresfield. It found that 18 Chinese working for a labour hire firm called General Services Company had been underpaid. The Ombudsman secured $5,000 in back payments for the workers.
Baiada's managing director, Simon Camilleri, declined to be interviewed.
Jason Om, Lateline.

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